Curry, dad jokes and great company

Well today was an amazing dinner party, with my dinner party, and then the boys dinner party, and we all went to Akbar's for Curry. Now we all well I hope we all had a amazing time.

Jack (Prince) threw his classic, and famous dad jokes. Then to my surprise James was joining in so I was basically surrounded by these rubbish jokes. I just hope I don't have to hear any for a while, because I don't think I can take anymore dad jokes for a bit.

However that, had fun, had a lovely time sounded by great friends.  They are an amazing and wried bunch of people who I think Sheffield would be an very boring place without them.

Apart from eating curry, I went to the cinema and watched wonder. It such a sweet film about not letting the way you look stop from stopping you from reaching your dreams, and to not let what anybody else opinion get in your way. As at the end of the day it how you and the people who care about, opinions matters the most cause they are the one who know and see the real you, and not some loser who think then better then you.

Anyway goodnight

Love you

Zanny xx


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