
How is it possible that in 16 days on 14th December 2017 I will turn 22 years old. I don't know if I am happy, or what, the only thing I can think that it positive about me turning 22, is that I can play Taylor Swift 22, anytime I want and nobody can say anything.

The downside is that I will have to celebrate it at Peile House. Like out of all the places I want to be on my birthday is a hostel, but at least I will have the joy of spending time with my friends for a couple of hours.

Anyway today I did photography where I printed some pictures and then writing for fun, and of was more interesting then fun.

I just can't wait for Thursday for theatre skills and I hope that the space that we use for the whole we can't us a stage area is the stairs as I don't want to stand outside in the freezing cold.

Following theatre skills I can't wait to next year where we will do some singing. I just think that I need more confidence in myself, ad people have said I can sing, I just don't hear it.

Anyway goodnight

Love you

Zanny xx


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