YA Tuesday

YA Tuesday has started tonight and it was held at no other then the O2 Academy in Sheffield. It was amazing to see the change from the printhouse to the O2. With a room of young adults who love and gave their life to God.

We had Tom Smith in to lead worship tonight, who an amazing singer, then to end the night we had a DJ in which always include a Dance Off.

Trust me you should be there. The dance off was amazing, but to be honest I can never be thew one showing my moves of, as even though it just for fun, I just not brave enough.

Then on a top of an amazing night, a friend who I mat through a common interest of theatre, and Everybody talking about Jamie, was at YA. I was surprise as I didn't expect to see them. At the same time it was nice to catch up and see how they was doing.

I also want into town and watched The Kingsman the golden circle. Great film. Elton John was amazing, as always and I just loved his platform boots they are amazing but he can pull anything and everything off.

Anyway goodnight guy

Love you

Zanny xx


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