Job interview

Today I had a job interview at 10am. I set alarm for 7:20 but even though I woke up. I slept for another 40 minuets because of how tried I was. So I quickly made myself a cup of tea, got ready, drink my tea. Grabbed myself an apple, then out the door for 8:30.

I got to the street that I was having the interview, but because I left with enough time I find where I had my interview in the end even though I walked passed it.

I personally think that that interview felt a bit rushed. It also didn't feel like a interview. It felt more like a meeting. She wasn't asking any questions about the job. So in all fairness I won't be surprise if I don't get the job.

So still on the job hunt for me as I don't really want to live on ESA all my life, as you can't really afford anything. So, if you reading this and know of any jobs that you think I will be good at let me know. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

After I came back I chilled out had lunch, read a bit of starborn by Lucy Johnson. Then had a sandwich and a cuppa of tea for a light supper. Slowly winding down.



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